Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I think I've become a cat person

In addition to this cuteness, the brown eyed kitty likes to jump in my lap and knead me and suckle my shirt like he's nursing. He makes cute little suckling noises and everything.

This morning when I went out to feed the cats, I saw a big orange blur of a cat dart out from the shed and dive under the fence and disappear into the woods before I could even say, "Kitty?" I couldn't figure out what could have frightened him so much...but then, as I stared at his brother, I felt something rub against my leg. Both my kitties were present after all! I guess they had a mysterious visitor who joined them for their nightly debauchery. It's so odd, how the whole time I've lived here I've never seen a stray cat and then once I get cats, one shows up all of a sudden. How do they know? Maybe the big orange cat has been making nightly visits all along. I'm going to be thinking of him every time I hear the coyotes howling.


  1. They are so cute together! Cats are very addicting, that's how I have ended up with four of them. Before you know it they will be inviting themselves into your house...

  2. Wonderful pictures Griffox! I'd like to get a couple barn cats, but I'm afraid they'd just become coyote bait. We can't have cats in the house house because some family members are allergic.

  3. haha...they have already invited themselves in. Every time I open the door they dash in. It doesn't really bother me to have them inside. I just don't want a litter box, because the dogs are strangely attracted to cat poo.

    Thanks, OnceUpon. I hear you on the coyote bait. If my yard wasn't fenced with welded wire, I'd probably lock them up at night for safe keeping.

  4. Your cats (and the photos) are beautiful!

  5. Thank you. They are great "barn" kitties, although they still haven't even set foot in the barn! They have been spending more and more time in the house, though. haha

  6. what adorable kitties ! I have enjoyed my visit to your blog today

  7. oh my goodness! that's just too precious! i mean, you could send these pictures in to "i can has cheezburger" even *without* a caption!

    i love it when my kitty gets confused and nuzzles my shirt too. hehe i don't have my own place anymore so he moved in with my mom and apparently he's making friends with strays too. :)

    gah, i can't get over how freakin' CUTE those cats are. ^_^
