Friday, April 24, 2009

Ben and Jerry

So, I've neglected to write about my two new kitties for a week now; but only because I didn't have any good pictures of them because it was always raining. The vet clinic I work for pawned off two cats on me that they've had up for adoption for a couple months. The brothers were stray kittens near my friends' apartment and she managed to coax them close enough to grab. The vet clinic neutered them and gave them shots and then they sat in a cat cage in the lobby for two months. Eventually they said, "You need barn cats, don't you?" I said, "Do I?" I'm really not much of a cat person, but I decided to take them home and just see.

Well, after being locked up in a cage, these kitties are soooo affectionate. They love any attention even if it's attention from dogs, goats, goslings...haha. I think they are going to fit in just fine. I had them closed up in the shed for the first few days, but now they pretty much have free run of the shed/back yard area. They sleep in the shed most of the day, but last night they were bouncing all over the back yard catching anything that moved. This morning I went out with my coffee and camera and got some pictures at last.


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